View to the Kenai Peninsula

View to the Kenai Peninsula


In May of 2021 we landed in Alaska, beginning the next chapter of our story.

View to the Kenai Peninsula is the very first painting I did on arrival. Having made friends early on with a local birder who happens to also be a wonderful en plein air painter, I joined her local en plein air group on their weekly outings, a big step towards finding some comfort in my new surroundings.

This painting was done from the back of my Subaru Outback, in a parking lot for the McHugh Mountain trailhead, which sits along Turnagain Arm.

There were only two colors appropriate for this gray day: french ultramarine and orange. I let the brush do all the carving of rock into the white of the page.

It might still be my favorite painting so far.

Watercolor on Hand Book Journal watercolor paper 8x8”

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