Graduate Certificate
Science Illustration
University of California at Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA
Now at CSU, Monterey BayBA in Art
Concentration in Graphic Design
Minor in Biology
Salem State University
Salem, MAInternship
Bryce Canyon National ParkOrnithology Certificate
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Sandy is a U.S.-based artist whose work is deeply interlaced with nature. Specializing in field sketching and watercolors, she captures the beauty and complexity of flora and fauna directly from the environment. For the past four years, she has immersed herself in Alaska’s untamed landscapes, using her field journal and sketching tools to document its unique light, towering summits, vast tundra, and intricate ecosystems. This exploration of Alaska’s awe-inspiring yet imposing wilderness will culminate in her first art book.
Looking ahead, Sandy is embarking on a new multi-year project following North America's migratory bird flyways. This journey will involve learning, observing, and creating art based on the birds she encounters and their migratory behavior, with plans to weave her experiences into both art and written reflections.
Sandy's talents go beyond field sketching; she has also built an impressive body of fine art inspired by the sketches in her journals. You can explore her collection and ongoing projects through her website.
Follow Sandy on Instagram to stay connected to her journey, where she shares field sketching tips, insights from her adventures, and information about her programs. For exclusive updates, including monthly journal pages and essays, subscribe to her newsletter below and join her as she continues to explore Alaska and beyond with a sketchbook in hand.
Engaged with art and nature
Adventurous life