Artful Nature Notes from the North

Artful Nature Notes from the North


One way I decided to stay in touch with my community during the Covid19 pandemic is by mailing out mini pieces of art in the form of field sketches on watercolor postcards with a personal note. Recipients have been delighted to receive a piece of friendly and personal mail in their USPS mailbox! The fact that that it is a mini piece of art describing a time, place and event in the natural world kind of puts the good-juju vibe into the whole experience.

If you would like one sent to another person as a way for you to stay connected to someone else, I can arrange this. We can create a personal note from you! Once you have placed your order I will contact you directly to start that conversation.

Please note: Field Sketching is a way of recording the natural world. My field sketches represent a place and time, a specific event or sometimes just the quietness of a place. Date, time, moon phase and a few notes about my observations are included on the image side of the postcard. Although this service can be considered a commissioned work, the beauty of it is the spontaneity and freedom to create an image that is based on what is happening in the natural world around where I live, the Mount Washington Valley of NH and all the habitats nestled into it. I cannot be directed on what to paint, but you do get to create the message that will go on the backside of the postcard. It becomes a little surprise to anticipate! Due to the freedom and spontaneity of the service returns cannot be accepted. Cancellations and/or refunds will be decided on an individual basis.

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