What Inspires You?

Reposted from my November 2023 newsletter, edited for this platform.

I'm dropping in with something a little different.

What inspires you?  What inspires you deeply enough that you are compelled to take action?

What might that action be?

It’s been a wild year for me, and this week I am pausing a moment to reflect on these very questions.

For me it has been outdoor experiences. 2023 has been full of these experiences! The tundra, muskoxen, Dall sheep, hiking new valleys, traveling to new places, and so much more.

One experience on a very snowy afternoon sticks in my mind… a spring day hiking up a steep slope with a couple of new friends in search of ptarmigan.  Climbing up and across the crunchy, icy, snow-covered slope was honestly a little gnarly and a little exciting.

Success!  My friend Andy was the first to locate them.  Carefully, I picked my way across the rock and ice to where he was and slowly settled in to a comfortable spot to sketch and photograph the covey of ptarmigan. They are beautiful to see and watch.

What I remember most is feeling awe.  I’m on a steep, snow-covered slope watching a covey of ptarmigan, in Alaska for Pete’s sake!  How lucky was I to have sat with these birds, in their habitat, thriving in harsh conditions.

Thick, gray clouds had rolled in, dropping snow at a fierce clip.  If not for the changing weather conditions I could have stayed and watched and sketched these birds for hours.

I came off the slope with nary a sketch but a good deal of photos, video, and inspiration to spend more time with this moment and these birds, in a way that inspires creating new art.

My memory and emotions of the moment are still very strong, which will also inspire my artistic process.

Can you find the ptarmigans in the photo to the right?

Just wanted to share a bit of what inspires me.

Maybe it will give you pause this week, to think about what inspires you.  Share a story with me!  Happy Thanksgiving.

Gratefully yours,

Sandy McDermottComment