Spring Aspens

Spring Aspens


Taft-Nicholson Environmental Humanities Center Art Residency

Behind my cabin, and in many places along the base of the Centennial Mountains, Quaking Aspens grow. My residency took place in mid-spring which, in this valley, is a lot like early spring in my home of New England.

The valley sits at about 6000’ elevation. As you go up in elevation, winter becomes the dominant season, with spring, summer, and fall unfolding at a quicker pace.

The aspens were just beginning to leaf-out. As the leaves emerged and unfolded, a sublime intensity of bright yellow-green stopped my brain in its tracks.

This beautiful color set against the dark greens of mostly Douglas Fir punted away whatever thoughts I might have been mulling over at the time.

The only thing of importance in that moment were the aspens, and that I had been given the precious gift of witnessing them.

Spring Aspens
8x12” (unframed)
