Looking at a landscape and figuring out how to make a successful drawing of it can be an overwhelming task. One must consider both aerial and linear perspective, layout, elements in the landscape, and medium. All of these topics will be discussed as we take a look at two types of landscapes: field and pond. Both will include similar elements, such as trees or even buildings, but each has it's own flavor (and challenges!). By using a trusted method of 3 values/5 shapes we will practice small vignette studies in a black&white medium followed by a watercolor sketch. Taking our time to understand how this works is key. So, bring your enthusiasm along with your sketching tools for a fun session of landscape drawing!
Bring with you a sketchpad suitable for dry and/or wet media (newsprint pads not recommended), your favorite drawing pencils and/or pen, a white rubber eraser, a kneaded eraser and your watercolors. To get the most out of my classes, the following pigments are suggested: cad. red, perm. alizarin crimson, french ultramarine, cobalt or cerulean blue, cad. yellow, lemon yellow, burnt sienna, raw sienna, ivory black, cad. orange, violet & burnt umber. If you have any questions about these pigments please contact me directly.
No prior drawing experience is necessary.
Wednesday September 22, 2021 1:30-3pm
(Rescheduled from July 17)
Please note: All virtual classes are scheduled in AK time. Please adjust to your region.
$15/person Register here.